In January my daughter, Emily, and I traveled to Iowa to visit my parents. It turns out it would be the last time I would see my dad.
In February, after three years of trying, our team from the Sky-Hi News won the Teapot Curling at the Grand Lake Winter Carnival and then I celebrated one of those milestone birthdays.
In April I said good-bye to my dad.
In May I wrapped up my eighth season of coaching girls soccer at Middle Park HS with the best-ever season for my junior varsity and a gutty, inspirational performance by our varsity as they qualified for the state playoffs again.
The support from the Middle Park soccer family following the loss of my dad was priceless. Working with these girls is such a treat, it's hard to call it work.
In July Erik and I were fortunate enough to meet in Baltimore to see Liverpool play in person for the first time. And I replaced my well-traveled Ford Focus.
In August I finally took my first untethered hot air balloon ride.
In September and October it feels like all I did was work and coach, but that's okay.
In November I took a quick trip back to Iowa to see my mom, friends and shoot the Iowa-Purdue football game.
I'm sure 2013 will have its highs and lows, surprises and challenges, but I welcome whatever it has in store. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
goo, goo g'joob