I can't believe it is already mid-March--where does the time go? Because it has been a while since my last post, we have some catching up to do.
Work at the Sky-Hi Daily News has been going well. You can get an idea of what I have been doing by going to the paper's web site or checking out my SportsShooter.com page. I feel fortunate to be working at a small community daily when many large dailies are suffering layoffs.
For anyone that doesn't know, in addition to my photography work, I also coach soccer at Middle Park High School here in Granby and we are currently almost a month into the girls season. Now you may ask how does a soccer team practice in the heart of the mountains when there is still several feet of snow on the ground. In the past we practiced in the high school gym, which didn't do much to prepare us for playing outside. During the past year we were very fortunate to have a parent who was able to raise the money to build an indoor field. It's only a third of the size of a normal field, but it's a tremendous improvement over the gym. Four games into the season and we can already see the difference it's making in the girl's play.

The girls are playing better than they ever have this early in the season. We have three more non-conference games before we start league play, which is what will really tell us where we are at, but until then we are enjoying the ride.

One of the original reasons I moved to Grand County was because of the skiing at Winter Park. As the years have gone on, I don't ski as much as I used to and I am getting pretty choosy about when I ski, but with a regular work schedule at the newspaper I actually have day(s) off, so as the ski season enters its final month I have tried to get out for at least a few runs each week. Earlier this week I was able get with my good friend Dan and we made some great turns. This being the height of the spring break season, there was only one way to get away from the tourist crowds--that was to hike to terrain no one else would go to...it was well worth it:

That's the quick update. I'm looking forward to posting on a more frequent basis and I hope you will enjoy my future offerings. Cheers!